
informed decisions blog

Set Thy Purse To Fattening #210

17th January 2022

Paddy Delaney

Financial Independence, when you hear it, often means different things to different people. For some, it’s having more money/assets accumulated than they’ll ever be able to spend – for others, it’s having regular and reliable income that’ll cover their every future need. For others, it’s removing as many on-going expenses as they possibly can. Whichever way you look at it though; it almost always goes hand-in-hand with being confident about your financial independence. It is one thing seeing it on paper, it is another to actually believe it and have conviction that it is so.

This week I want to share some brief yet impactful nuggets from a legendary book called ‘The richest man in Babylon‘, which details one man’s journey to Financial Independence. I share these nuggets in the hope that it might add another layer of confidence and clarity in your own Financial Independence.




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