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Entrepreneur Relief Vs Pension Contributions - Which Is Best?! Blog219 #Our 1st Guest Post#

March 27, 2023

This week we bring you our first-ever Guest-Post, all about Entrepreneur Relief vs Pension Contributions. I will keep the author of this week's Blog a surprise until the end of the piece (don't scroll down!), and it might indeed be a fairly big surprise when you do discover who wrote it!

  • Entrepreneur Relief Principles
  • Pension Contribution Watch-Outs
  • Comparison of the two approaches
  • A practical comparison of doing €1m on both

All I (Paddy) will say, is that I sure hope you don't like this style better than my own :).

Firstly, a brief revisit of the basics of Entrepreneur Relief

Entrepreneur Relief is a tax relief available to individuals who dispose of qualifying business assets in Ireland. The relief was introduced to encourage entrepreneurship and incentivize individuals to start and grow businesses in Ireland. Here are some ways to make the most of Entrepreneur Relief in Ireland:

  1. Understand the qualifying criteria: To qualify for Entrepreneur Relief, you must have owned and managed a qualifying business for at least three years prior to the disposal of the assets. The business must be an active trading business, and you must have a minimum 5% shareholding in the business.
  2. Plan your disposal carefully: To maximize the relief, you should plan the disposal of your qualifying business assets carefully. You can dispose of the assets in stages over a number of years to spread out the tax liability and take advantage of the annual cap on the relief.
  3. Know the limits: The maximum lifetime limit for Entrepreneur Relief is €1 million. This means that you can claim relief on gains up to a maximum of €1 million, after which the normal Capital Gains Tax (CGT) rate will apply.
  4. Seek professional advice: The tax rules around Entrepreneur Relief can be complex, so it's important to seek professional advice from a qualified accountant or tax advisor before disposing of your business assets.
  5. Consider reinvesting in another business: If you have disposed of your business assets and are looking to reinvest the proceeds, you may be able to claim relief under the Employment and Investment Incentive (EII) scheme. This scheme provides tax relief to individuals who invest in qualifying small and medium-sized enterprises in Ireland.

Overall, Entrepreneur Relief can be a valuable tax relief for individuals who have owned and managed a qualifying business in Ireland. By understanding the qualifying criteria, planning your disposal carefully, knowing the limits, seeking professional advice, and considering reinvestment options, you can make the most of this relief and minimize your tax liability.

Secondly, Let's Refresh Pension Contributions For Business Owners

Pension contributions can be a valuable tax planning tool for business owners in Ireland. Here are some things to consider when making pension contributions as a business owner:

  1. Types of pension schemes: There are several types of pension schemes available in Ireland, including Personal Retirement Savings Accounts (PRSAs), Occupational Pension Schemes, and Self-Employed Pension Schemes. It's important to understand the differences between these schemes and choose the one that best suits your needs.
  2. Tax relief: Pension contributions receive tax relief at an individual's marginal rate of tax. As a business owner, you may be able to claim tax relief on both personal and company pension contributions. This can help reduce your tax liability and provide a valuable source of retirement income.
  3. Contribution limits: There are limits on the amount of tax relief that can be claimed for pension contributions, and these limits vary depending on age and income. As a business owner, you may be able to make higher pension contributions than an employee, but it's important to ensure that you don't exceed the annual contribution limits.
  4. Employer contributions: If you have employees, you may be required to provide them with a pension scheme. Employer contributions to employee pension schemes are tax-deductible, which can help reduce your company's tax liability.
  5. Investment strategy: It's important to consider your investment strategy when making pension contributions. As a business owner, you may have a higher tolerance for risk and be more comfortable with investing in equities or alternative assets. However, it's important to ensure that your investment strategy aligns with your long-term retirement goals and risk tolerance.

In summary, pension contributions can be a valuable tax planning tool for business owners in Ireland. By choosing the right type of pension scheme, understanding the tax relief and contribution limits, considering employer contributions, and developing an appropriate investment strategy, business owners can maximize their retirement savings and reduce their tax liability. It's important to seek professional advice from a qualified accountant or financial advisor to ensure that you make the best decision for your individual circumstances.

Now, We'll Compare Pension Contributions and Entrepreneur Relief For Business Owners

Pension and Entrepreneur Relief are two different types of financial incentives that can provide tax benefits to individuals in Ireland. Here are some key differences between the two:

  1. Purpose: Pension schemes are designed to provide individuals with a retirement income, while Entrepreneur Relief is intended to encourage entrepreneurship and incentivize individuals to start and grow businesses in Ireland.
  2. Eligibility: Anyone can set up a pension scheme and contribute to it, while Entrepreneur Relief is only available to individuals who dispose of qualifying business assets.
  3. Tax benefits: Pension contributions receive tax relief at an individual's marginal rate of tax, which means that for every euro contributed, the individual receives a reduction in their tax liability. The growth of pension funds is also tax-free. Entrepreneur Relief, on the other hand, provides a reduced rate of Capital Gains Tax (CGT) on the disposal of qualifying business assets.
  4. Limits: There are limits on the amount of tax relief that can be claimed for pension contributions, and these limits vary depending on the individual's age and income. Entrepreneur Relief has a lifetime limit of €1 million.
  5. Risks and control: Pensions are generally considered low-risk investments, with the level of risk determined by the investment strategy chosen. Entrepreneur Relief, on the other hand, is dependent on the success of the qualifying business assets, which can be more volatile and less predictable.

In summary, pension schemes and Entrepreneur Relief are two different types of financial incentives that provide tax benefits to individuals in Ireland. While pensions are designed to provide retirement income, Entrepreneur Relief is intended to incentivize entrepreneurship. The tax benefits, eligibility criteria, limits, and risks associated with each option vary, so it's important to consider individual circumstances and seek professional advice before making any decisions.

Comparing €1m Entrepreneur Relief Versus Pension Contribution

To calculate the tax benefits of Entrepreneur Relief versus Pension Contributions of €1 million in Ireland, we need to consider the following:

Entrepreneur Relief:

  • Provides a reduced rate of Capital Gains Tax (CGT) of 10% on gains from the disposal of qualifying business assets
  • Has a lifetime limit of €1 million

Assuming an individual sells qualifying business assets and makes a capital gain of €1 million, the Entrepreneur Relief would provide a tax saving of €400,000 (€1 million gain x 10% reduced CGT rate = €100,000 tax liability). This means that the individual would pay only €100,000 in tax instead of the normal CGT rate of 33% (€1 million gain x 33% CGT rate = €330,000 tax liability)

Pension Contributions:

  • Receive tax relief at an individual's marginal rate of tax
  • Have an annual contribution limit based on age and income

Assuming an individual earns enough income to make a €1 million pension contribution, the tax relief would depend on their marginal rate of tax. For example, if the individual is in the highest income tax bracket and makes a €1 million pension contribution, they would receive a tax relief of €520,000 (€1 million contribution x 52% marginal tax rate). This means that their actual cost of contributing €1 million to their pension would be €480,000.

In summary, the tax benefit of Entrepreneur Relief of €1 million is a one-time tax saving of €400,000, while the tax benefit of Pension Contributions of €1 million is a tax relief of up to €520,000, which can be claimed annually. However, it's important to note that the purpose and risks associated with these options are different and should be considered based on individual circumstances.


So, that is the 'Entrepreneur Relief Vs Pension Contributions' Guest-Post.


Many thanks to Chat GPT for its input on this week's piece!! Yes, Artificial Intelligence created all of the above, in about 8 seconds total! It's absolutely amazing to think that I typed 4 questions into Chat GPT, and the above was the response that I got, in less than 10 seconds. Incredible. And this is only the tip of the iceberg.

While it's not very human, and there are some inaccuracies in it, and it's missed some nuances around the specifics, it is not too bad!! I'd fully expect to see an awful lot of personal finance Blogs to be created using Chat GPT and other AI tools in the very near future - thanks to their leaning toward bland, fact-based output!

If ever there was a sign that we as the human race are on an upward curve, where we humans are freed up to do the creative, add-value, human interaction stuff. The future is bright, if you ask me!


Paddy Delaney

Please be aware that some of the information in this piece is not factually accurate. For my own piece on Entrepreneur Relief see Blog 94 here. And for my own thoughts on pension planning, see Blog 195 here! As always, please seek independent and qualified (human) help before making any decision with your business, tax, investing, or pension planning. Disclaimer here.




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The content of this site including blogs and podcasts is for information purposes only. Everybody’s financial situation is different and the content we share on our site and through podcasts may not be applicable to you. 

The articles, blogs and podcasts are not investment advice. They do not take account of your individual circumstances, including your knowledge and experience and attitude to risk. Informed Decisions can’t be held responsible for the consequences if you pursue a course of action based on the information we share

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