
informed decisions blog

Do You Think You're Ready To Retire? What Are The Signs? #256

March 13, 2023

This week I share 12 clear signs it's time to retire from your full-time job. Perhaps it is to start some new professional journey, a new personal journey, or a combination of both.

I share this piece in the hope that it will give you hope! Give you hope if you are on the cusp of retirement and doubting if you can or you can't. Give you hope if you are wondering if you are alone, mad, or simply wrong to retire. 

  • Your pension fund is healthy and can provide you with a comfortable retirement income
  • Your children are financially independent
  • 'Work' is incapable of giving you a sense of purpose
  • You want to spend more time with family and other interests
  • Your health is starting to suffer

I hope it helps.

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