
informed decisions blog

The Best Investment Funds in Ireland. Podcast 156

14th October 2019

Paddy Delaney

Ever wondered which are the best investment Fund in Ireland?? Well if you have, you came to the right place!

This week we look at Multi-Asset Funds specifically.

Welcome back to Ireland’s dedicated Investment and Financial Planning Blog & Podcast! In my work with clients I frequently get asked about Multi-Asset Investments, whether they are any good, and which ones might be best. So this week I aim to answer a question that I think has yet to be answered in these parts; which is the best Multi-Asset Investment Fund in Ireland!

Owning any investment is kinda like ‘Pick n Mix’ sweets, you can have all of one type of you can have lots of different types in the one bag!

Paddy Delaney QFA RPA APA


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