Informed Decisions are one of Ireland’s only remaining independent financial advice firms. We specialise in retirement & investment planning for successful individuals, so that our clients only have to retire once.
Retire successfully with Informed Decisions.
March 21, 2022
Hope you are well, hope all is good. We are back with part 2 of our listener's journey with William Lacey. In the first episode, 214, William and I chatted about where he's at, why he's doing this particular episode, and series with us as he transitions out of full-time employment. He shares his concerns, his hopes, considerations, how it applies to him, and how his thinking and planning evolved over time. And I'm sharing it because it's a very relevant topic and it's interesting to see a live test case, so to speak, evolve in front of our eyes and share that with you dear listeners.
The content of this site including blogs and podcasts is for information purposes only. Everybody’s financial situation is different and the content we share on our site and through podcasts may not be applicable to you.
The articles, blogs and podcasts are not investment advice. They do not take account of your individual circumstances, including your knowledge and experience and attitude to risk. Informed Decisions can’t be held responsible for the consequences if you pursue a course of action based on the information we share
Informed Decisions are one of Ireland’s only remaining independent financial advice firms. We specialise in retirement & investment planning for successful individuals, so that our clients only have to retire once.